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Filtering by: Film screening

Zheng He's Exploration of America before Columbus
2:00 PM14:00

Zheng He's Exploration of America before Columbus

Zheng He and the Exploration of the Americas in the time before Columbus. This Chinese Muslim admiral and explorer sailed massive expeditionary treasure voyages during the Ming Dynasty around the globe and is said to have landed in the Americas decades before Columbus.

Speakers: Teng Teng Chin, Dr. Ruifeng Liang, Dr. Bayer Lee

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Havana Divas Film Screening
6:30 PM18:30

Havana Divas Film Screening

Havana Divas documents the story of Caridad Amaran and Georgina Wong Guitierrez, two childhood friends who have spent nearly a quarter-of-a-century working to revive interest in Cantonese opera in Havana’s present-day Chinatown. Director S. Louisa Wei discusses the making of the film, never giving up on your dream, and more than a hundred-and-fifty years of Sino-Cuban history.

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